Saturday, January 16, 2010

Week 1, Deliverable 1

Planning a Trip to San Diego
The map above depicts attractions in and around San Diego, CA and has the location of the San Diego Zoo highlighted by a light blue circle. The map was created as part of the first module, Exploring a GIS Map, in the ESRI Virtual Campus course: Getting Started with ArcGIS Desktop.

Producing the image above using ArcMap and following the steps in the ESRI module, I had few difficulties. However, I did try to find a way to change the San Diego Zoo selection to a different color and was unsuccssful. I will look into how that can be done at a later date because I don't like the light blue color when used for the purpose of highlighting a location as is done in the map.

Also, I waited to post the map until I finished the entire exercise and am glad I did after reading that we should include our name somewhere on all submissions and maps. At first I tried to create a printable map as was done in the second exercise, but because there are actually 2 maps in this file, San Diego and U.S., I wasn't sure how it would load. In the end, I decided for this map it was easier just to open the jpeg in the Paint program and add a text box for title and one for my name.

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